Friends…. Love you.


It feels good to have friends in life…. We all have flaws but friends are those who accepts ur flaws…. They are those who build your confidence when u doubt yourself.


At times they boost u with fake praise. Your time killing partner. We all are alone, have void inside, have suppressed our feelings in our heart,


have locked out tears inside our eyes, …
Trying to fly high to catch our dreams… Getting failed, have broken inside by trying from top to toe, just to have a life of our dreams.


But you my friend have made my life much easier… As I console myself when I console you. I dream within your dreams….get energy by seeing u superactive….we are not competitors but it becomes fun to become competitors while putting efforts…


…I Thank God for blessing me to have a person like you in my life… Don’t know y just felt like expressing my feelings for you. Though I am very inexpressive so just writing it down…..

You just keep putting efforts….As God can not ignore such ambitious, superactive, hard working, heart warming persons efforts,…till an extent he can but he might be testing your toil.
I will pray for you. God bless you. Thanks for being in my life.


Sorry at times I become emotional and write down my emotions… Please don’t call me Mata ji.


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